Frostbiting Update March 2024
We've had a tremendous season of frostbiting so far, which starts at the beginning of November and goes to the beginning of April. Only 4 official days of racing remain before the Cold Shoulder series begins. So far, we've had 13 days of racing with 66 races. 46 sailors have joined us in the Lasers and 18 sailors in the Cook11s.
What's been particularly great to see is the expansion of the fleet in all parts: the front, middle and back of the pack! Everyone's boat handling and tactical skills are improving across the board. Below is a little bit of a recap of our season in pictures:
We've had some light air days...
We've had some heavy air days...
Some colorful capsizes...
Some moments that make one think, how could one NOT be sailing all year round:
We had a fantastic Dave Perry coach day...
And always great camaraderie after racing.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our crack RC team of Don Weld, Sandy Weil, and Donny Dowd, not to mention the mark and safety support that Kevin, TJ, Olivia and other volunteers bring.
Stay tuned for results as we wrap up the frostbiting season!