Looking Back at the 2024 AYC Sunset Series

Looking Back at the 2024 AYC Sunset Series

American Yacht Club's Friday Night Sunset Series is a cherished event for sailing and non-sailing members alike. Held weekly on Friday nights during the summer sailing season, this year’s Series once again combined competitive racing, fun with family and friends, and the picturesque beauty of sunsets on the Sound.

A Renewed Tradition and its Appeal

The Friday Night Sunset Series was brought back as an AYC tradition in 2005 to provide a family-friendly race that would engage people with varying sailing experience. There are no spinnakers used and the atmosphere between racers is friendly and collegial, although skippers have been known to make their rights known at the starting line. Over the past 14 years there has only been one protest filed between racers. Instead of a formal protest committee, the matter was resolved in a friendly arm wrestling match to the satisfaction of both parties.

A Hub for Sailors

For many, the Friday Night Sunset Series serves as an entry point into the broader sailing community. Experienced sailors commonly take on board newer sailors who have heard the call of the sea and want to see what it is like on the water. Whether you are in the coveted positions such as helmsman or trimmer towards the back of the boat, a member of the “foredeck union” towards the front, or assigned a more entry-level role somewhere in between, the Sunset Series provides an accessible and enjoyable way to engage in the sport, often leading participants to explore further opportunities within the sailing world.

The Racing this Season

This year’s season ran from May 17 through August 2nd. Each Friday evening, a fleet of diverse sailing vessels, both cruising and racing yachts alike, took to the water to compete in a race out on the Sound in front of the Club at Bell 42.

Twenty-seven boats were registered on this year’s scratch sheet, with several boats joining the fleet this year from Larchmont Yacht Club. The design of the boats ranged widely from AYC’s Laura Heiss’ Gemini II, a fast and sporty Swan 45 with a -15 PHRF rating to AYC’s Ray Beeler & Joanne Douvas’ Andante (which means “moderately slow” in musical terms), a cruising-friendly Hanse 315 with a self-tacking jib and a 138 PHRF rating.

The fleet raced around the Sound on courses designed by AYC’s Race Committee that changed each week based on the conditions. Event Chairman Don Dowd, Scorer/AYC Race Committee Chairman Barry Gold, and the AYC Race Committee volunteers organized and ran the Sunset Series each week and fared the weather on the water with the sailors.

Thank you Race Committee and all its volunteers!

Barry Gold commented on the season: “We saw conditions on the Sound over the summer that ranged from the excitement of 20+ knot winds and boats zipping around the course, to the lazy summer doldrums and seeing sailors battle light winds to keep their boat moving to get over the finish line. Of the eleven scheduled days, not counting the Friday in July we sailed in the Larchmont Yacht Club Execution Rocks Race, we completed seven races.”

Some races were abandoned due to insufficient wind for fair sailing. Several races were also canceled or abandoned due to inclement weather, including the last race of the season as a storm front, complete with thunder and lightning, rolled in as forecasted.

Results of the racing were announced each night ashore to the crowd with close competition overall and in each of the respective classes. Overall awards will be presented at the annual Awards Dinner in the Fall.

Community and Social Aspects

Beyond the competition, the Friday Night Sunset Series is a summer social highlight of the week for many. Before the races, many crews gather at AYC before taking the club’s launches out to their respective boats on the moorings. After the races, the crews reconvene with friends and families gathered for post-race celebrations on the club’s lawn or at the clubhouse with trophies awarded (along with bragging rights) for each night’s winners. All AYC members are also invited to the post-racing barbecue, which frequently included live music — a popular addition to the festivities.


The American Yacht Club Friday Night Sunset Series is more than just a weekly sailing event; it continues to be a celebration of sailing as a sport, our community, and the natural beauty surrounding our club.

As AYC Vice Commodore Libby Alexander put it, “AYC’s Sunset Series is a summer highlight for our family and a unique experience on the Sound. The racing encapsulates the essence of sailing as both a competitive sport and social activity. We look forward to continuing its tradition next season!”

2024 was a great season with plenty to celebrate and we thank all the participants, volunteers, and staff for making it a success.